FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - November 6, 2015
Contact: Audrey Sandusky, 202-293-3114 ext. 207

NFPRHA Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Contraceptive Coverage Access 

WASHINGTON, DC – The US Supreme Court announced today that it will hear arguments in seven cases challenging women’s right to receive contraceptive coverage through their health insurance. The following is a statement from Clare Coleman, President & CEO of National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association.

“Despite the Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., legal challenges designed to upend bedrock protections of the Affordable Care Act and restrict women’s access to care persist. Today, the Supreme Court announced it will take up seven cases seeking permission for certain employers to use their religious objections to block women from getting the essential health coverage to which they are entitled by law.

“The ACA's contraceptive coverage requirement was a historic achievement for women's health. Thanks to the law, millions have guaranteed access to preventive health benefits, including a full range of contraceptive methods. Yet some employers continue to work to prevent women from getting this care, even objecting to filling out a simple form that allows the employer to opt out of providing or paying for this coverage and notifies the insurer to provide the coverage directly to the women who work for the employer.

"Hobby Lobby opened a dangerous door and these employers are now trying to tear off its hinges—putting the interests of employers ahead of women’s liberty and health and undermining individuals’ rights to make health care decisions according to their own needs and beliefs.

“Women deserve coverage of high-quality family planning care that helps them improve their economic security, care for their families, and achieve optimal health. On behalf of the publicly funded family planning network of administrators and clinicians across the country, NFPRHA is committed to ensuring family planning coverage for all women, regardless of employer, income, or insurance status. We urge the Court to uphold the protections in the law.”


NFPRHA is a membership organization representing providers and administrators committed to helping people get the family planning education and care they need to make the best choices for themselves and their loved ones. NFPRHA works to enhance the ability of thousands of nurse practitioners, doctors, and other health professionals to provide high-quality family planning care through training and advocacy. For more information, visit  



National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |

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