Contact: Audrey Sandusky, 202-293-3114 ext. 207,

House Proposal Eliminates Title X Family Planning Program

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee released a draft Labor-HHS funding bill that would eliminate funding for the Title X family planning program in fiscal year (FY) 2019. The following is a statement from Clare Coleman, President & CEO of the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA).

“NFPRHA is deeply disappointed that the draft bill yet again zeros out funding for Title X, a bedrock public health program that provides high-quality, patient-centered family planning and sexual health care services. This is the seventh attempt by the committee to defund the program in the past nine years.

“Millions of people rely on Title X for family planning and preventive care. The proposed elimination of the program comes amid efforts by the administration to divert family planning funding away from health care providers that offer comprehensive, high-quality family planning and sexual health care. Any policy proposal that compromises the sustainability of the network – by discriminating against providers or cutting investments – could force closures of health centers and leave people without any access to care.

“The nation’s family planning program works and delivers year over year on its public health mission. Congress and the administration need to stop playing political games with the lives and well-being of the vulnerable populations Title X-funded providers serve. We strongly urge members of the House committee to restore funding for Title X this year.”


NFPRHA is a membership organization representing providers and administrators committed to helping people get the family planning education and care they need to make the best choices for themselves and their loved ones. Through training and advocacy initiatives, NFPRHA works to enhance the ability of thousands of nurse practitioners, doctors, and other health professionals to provide high-quality family planning care. For more information, visit  

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |

© 2025 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association