Preliminary Agenda

Agenda is subject to change

Saturday, March 4


340B University Networking Lunch
Pre-registration required.1 No additional cost.


340B University
Pre-registration required.1 No additional cost. 

Apexus will offer a 340B University tailored to meet the needs of the family planning field. This free training will cover 340B basics such as eligibility, recertification, inventory management, Health Resources and Services Administration audit requirements, as well as hot topics, including Medicaid reimbursements and changes to the patient definition. Peer faculty will share leading practices and audit experiences in an interactive format, and participants will leave with tools to promote compliance.

Sunday, March 5




NFPRHA Board of Directors Meeting
By invitation only.


For pre-conference training attendees.


Pre-Conference Trainings
Pre-registration required.

Crafting Grant Proposals: Best Practices & Strategies
The grant writing process can be at first a daunting task and then frustrating when proposals are not funded. This training will offer a detailed introduction to the grant writing process, including best practices for determining whether to respond to a funding announcement, understanding grant application guidelines, drafting a work plan for proposal development, and writing key proposal sections. It also will outline common problems identified in grant proposals by reviewers.

Creating Efficiencies, Improving Outcomes: Best Practice Strategies for Maximizing Clinic Efficiency
At a time when family planning and sexual health services providers are facing rising health care costs, funding cuts, and increased competition, it is critical to identify and implement strategies to maximize efficiency while maintaining quality care. This workshop will familiarize participants with the domains of clinic efficiency, key performance indicators and strategies for the implementation of best practices.

Strengthening Your Revenue Cycle
This training will provide participants with an assessment strategy and tool to identify strengths and weaknesses in their revenue cycle processes and to identify key performance indicators to measure their success.

Media Advocacy Strategies for Sustaining the Family Planning Safety Net
Explore how to use traditional and digital communications strategies and tactics to increase visibility of your organization and the value of publicly funded family planning. The hands-on training will offer suggested message framing and help particpants gain the skills, capacity, and knowledge needed to integrate communications planning organizationally, secure news coverage, and bolster a social media profile.


Exhibit Hall Open


Medicaid Peer-to-Peer
Pre-registration required

Medicaid Family Planning: Ask the Experts
The NFPRHA Medicaid Peer-to-Peer meeting will provide attendees with an opportunity to discuss potential changes to Medicaid family planning at the federal and state level, and to ask questions of a panel of Medicaid family planning experts.


Lunch & Learns




The New Health Care Agenda & What it Means for Family Planning
In 2017, the nation will likely witness safety-net health care redefined in the United States. Potential agenda items include: significant cuts to and/or the elimination of the Title X national family planning program; altering the structure and financing of Medicaid, the predominant source (75%) of public funding for family planning; the repeal of the Affordable Care Act that is currently responsible for the health insurance coverage of more than 20 million individuals nationwide; and prohibitions on participation by Planned Parenthood or other entities in federal programs. Family planning administrators and providers alike will need to adapt when and if these proposals take effect. This session will provide an overview of the new health reform agenda and its potential impact on the family planning safety net.




Topics TBA.


Hill Education Sessions
Interaction and building relationships with federal elected officials (and now, more than ever, with state legislatures) is critical to bolstering the family planning safety net. Hearing directly from constituents makes the greatest impact, which is why annually NFPRHA coordinates a “Hill Education Day” for NFPRHA members to engage their respective lawmakers.

In preparation for Hill Education Day, NFPRHA presents a two-track session to allow NFPRHA members to gain a deeper understanding of the federal budget and appropriations process and pending reproductive health policy. Attendees will also learn about tools to effectively communicate about their programs during our “Hill Education Day” and future work with federal and state legislatures. Both tracks are designed to be interactive, including extensive Q & A and role playing.

  • General Attendee: designed for non-governmental employees who are interested in sharpening their advocacy skills.

  • Public Employee: designed specifically for governmental employees who want to learn how to educate lawmakers about their programs, without crossing into the terrain of advocacy or lobbying.


NFPRHA Orientation
All are welcome.

Newcomers to NFPRHA or the National Conference are invited to learn more about NFPRHA benefits and services from staff and NFPRHA members.


Affinity Groups


Opening Night Reception in Exhibit Hall
All are welcome.

Monday, March 6






Exhibit Hall Open


Changing Medicaid: How Proposed Changes Could Impact Family Planning
The 115th Congress and new administration have made clear their intentions to dramatically alter the Medicaid program through administrative and financial changes that will shift costs to states and result in reductions in eligibility, benefits, and protections for enrollees. Learn about the potential changes and how they could impact family planning.





Increasing Sustainability by Creating an Integrated Sexual Health Services Delivery Model
Family planning and sexual health services providers are exploring viable options for success and sustainability including the integration of family planning and sexually transmitted infection services. Not only does integrating these closely related services offer an opportunity for providers to enhance their sustainability and result in better care for clients. The purpose of this session is to explore what integration has looked like for some programs, as well as operational and policy considerations and lessons learned during implementation.

Lessons from the Field: Family Planning and Primary Care Integration
The successful integration of family planning services into primary care settings is critical to the provision of quality family planning services This session will present the work of organizations that have successfully worked to improve access to contraception through integration of the QFP and collaboration with Primary Care Associations. 

Fostering Advocacy Partnerships
In addition to individual efforts to educate legislators and regulators, there are a number of pathways that lead to advocacy success. One key tactic, particularly for those who themselves feel precluded from directly lobbying because of their professional positions, is to foster and leverage advocacy partnerships. Learn from NFPRHA members about various models they have established to work with and through a broad network of community advocates to achieve success for the family planning safety net.

Use of and Messaging on Contraceptive Quality Measures
The National Quality Forum’s (NQF) endorsement of quality measures will prompt an increased recognition of the value of assuring women and teens’ timely access to the full range of effective and highly effective contraceptive methods, but also will serve as an important tool for quality improvement activities aimed at strengthening the provision of client-centered contraceptive services. There is an understandable concern that the intent and use of these outcomesfocused measures might be misinterpreted by family planning providers—at the expense of patient preference and choice. This session will highlight the intended use of contraceptive quality measures, as well as discuss some approaches that family planning providers have utilized for communicating important information about quality measures across their organizations and networks.


NFPRHA Awards Luncheon




The Future of Title X
The Title X national family planning program faces its first existential threat in more than a decade. Safety-net family planning service delivery is in jeopardy as a result of potential funding cuts to the program. Moreover, Title X grantees and their respective service delivery networks must prepare to withstand other program attacks such as efforts to degrade Title X’s provider networks. In the face of uncertainty, Title X administrators and providers must buttress their programs to help ensure the millions of patients who rely on them will continue to have access to affordable, high-quality family planning and sexual health services. In this session, hear more about congressional and administrative decision points and how and when changes might be operationalized.





Identifying Leverage Points with Third-Party Payers
Family planning is a small portion of third-party payer reimbursements nationwide and as a result family planning providers often find it difficult to gain leverage when working with payers. This session will feature an expert in the field of third-party payers to discuss the commonly overlooked leverage points providers should use when interacting with payers.

Using a Performance Management Framework to Improve Outcomes: A Primer
The QFP recommends that family planning service delivery sites have a system in place for conducting quality improvement—a system that should entail the identification of measures and data points to monitor quality; data collection processes to maximize data accuracy and timeliness; processes for regularly monitoring data; and use of data to make changes to improve quality. This workshop will provide an overview of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Model for Improvement and how it can be applied by family planning providers to support the implementation of QFP recommendations.

Reimagining Your Service Delivery Network
Protecting access to contraceptive services in this changing health care environment requires the continual reinvention of reproductive health service delivery networks.  This workshop will present strategies used by NFPRHA members to protect and diversify their networks during these turbulent times.

The Basics of the 340B Drug Pricing Program: A Sustainability Tool in Safety-Net Family Planning
The 340B Drug Pricing Program, which offers discounts on drugs and devices to safety-net providers including Title X- and CDC STD 318-funded health centers, is often a source of confusion for participants. In the face of repeal of the Affordable Care Act and other uncertainty in health care, utilizing available tools, like the 340B program, is key to long-term sustainability and survival for safety-net family planning providers. This session will review the basics of 340B, and discuss important elements of program compliance. The training will be tailored specifically for family planning providers and the unique opportunities and challenges of 340B in that context.


The Time is Now: Our Mission to Expand Contraceptive Access
Medicines360 is a global nonprofit women's health pharmaceutical company with a mission of expanding access to medicines, regardless of socioeconomic status, insurance coverage or geographic location. We believe that women everywhere deserve access to quality women's health products at a price they can afford.

Together, we can help expand access to contraception and provide women with more choice. Join us to learn more about our groundbreaking approach to expanding access.


Family Planning Councils of America Meeting
By invitation only.


State Family Planning Administrators Meeting
By invitation only.

Tuesday, March 7

7:00 a.m.-5:00p.m.



Exhibit Hall Opens




NFPRHA Membership Meeting




The Repeal of the Affordable Care Act: What to Expect and How to Navigate the Transition
The 115th Congress has been clear on its intention to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and replace it with a market-driven policy proposal that will emphasize state flexibility. Undoing a major law like the ACA is bound to cause significant upheaval across the health care system. This session will examine the ACA provisions likely to face elimination, elements of the law that remain, and the potential impact of losing some, but not all, of the key provisions of the law. Potential protective activities to buttress safety-net family planning programs through the transition and beyond will also be discussed.




Public Health Partners’ 2017 Strategies
In recent months, those working in family planning and sexual health have been keenly attuned to assessing the challenges and opportunities ahead and developing contingency plans accordingly. This effort is not unique to this field. Hear the perspectives from public health partners about their forecasts for their priorities, preperations for impending changes, and potential opportunities for cross-collaboration.




Networking Opportunity


Alternative Delivery Systems: An Opportunity for Sustainability
Thinking outside the box is a fundamental component of sustainability. The use of alternative delivery systems presents an opportunity for family planning and sexual health providers to be innovative, competitive, and patient-centered. This session will share best practices and lessons learned from early adopters of alternative delivery systems, including the integration of family planning into a retail clinic and utilizing telemedicine to provide birth control and UTI consultations. 


Strategic Thinking in Uncertain Times
At a time of great uncertainty for our nation's health care system, safety-net family planning providers have begun to rise up to meet anticipated challenges by adapting, innovating, and transforming the front lines to continue to provide high-quality family planning care. In this session, hear how members are conducting contingency and scenario planning processes to address a variety of situations that might impact the provision of critical family planning services.


Conference Closing


Griswold v. Connecticut Gala Reception
Tickets required.

Wednesday, March 8






Transportation to Capitol Hill


Hill Education Day

1340B University is developed and presented by Apexus and is not endorsed by NFPRHA.

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-293-3114  |

© 2025 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association